Summary of New Features in SCL 2024.3 Update

Enhancing Education with New Features and Improvements

SCL version 2024.3

In the latest SCL 2024.3 update, we've made significant strides to improve the user experience and functionality for both administrators and teachers.

Billing Module Enhancements

New features for Tuition Fee Management, which now includes the ability to handle instalments, as well as support for managing discounts for students. This allows schools to customize payment structures and offer financial flexibility to parents.

Billing Plugin System

New Billing Plugin system featuring the initial plugin for the Egyptian Tax Authority's eReceipt integration.

Learning Center

Quick Review is a new Learning Center module, enabled by default for both teachers and students, providing instant MCQ questions based on selected subjects and specific topics, if desired.

Admissions & Reporting

New data fields in the Student and Parent Data section, including additional columns for more detailed tracking and reporting, ensuring better insights for administrators during the admission process.

Dismissals Module

Integration of QR Code Tracking for student pickups. This improves the dismissal process, ensuring security by making student pickups more streamlined and trackable.

Mobile Application Features

Expanded mobile app functionalities with added support for QR Code Sharing and Stickers, making communication and engagement more dynamic, particularly for younger users.

New Comer Student Label

Teachers can now easily identify new students in their Gradebook and Class Attendance, allowing for better support and attention to newcomers.

Improved Group ACL Selection

Administrators can now manage permissions more efficiently with the new Group ACL selection features. This update allows for quicker and more productive permission assignments, cutting down steps and saving valuable time.