Student Health at Your Fingertips

Empowering Schools with an Clinic Management

The school clinic module in SCL platform is a specialized component designed to manage and maintain health-related information and activities within an educational institution. It provides a centralized platform for school nurses, administrators, and other authorized personnel to track and monitor students' health records and medical needs.

Student Health Records

The module allows the school clinic staff to create and maintain comprehensive health records for each student, including medical history, immunization records, allergies, and any existing health conditions.

Health Emergency Contacts

It enables the storage of emergency contact details for each student, ensuring quick access to critical information during emergencies.

Medical Alerts

The module can highlight students with specific medical conditions or allergies, allowing teachers and staff to be aware of any medical considerations when working with these students.

Health Visits and Appointments

The system can track visits to the school clinic and maintain a log of health-related appointments for individual students.

Health Communication

Clinic module have communication tools to enable seamless communication between school nurses, parents, teachers, and administrators regarding students' health needs.

Health Reminders

The system can send automated reminders to parents and guardians about upcoming health-related activities, such as immunization due dates or health checkups.