
Release Date 01-09-2024

SCL 2024.3 will introduce more about Gamification & AI Integration focusing on delivering Administrators tools to help save time and effort.

  • Learning Center
    • Quick Review (Help Teachers & Students to answer ungraded MCQ)
      • Ability to Report Incorrect Questions.
      • Logging All Users Answers for Future Use in Stats.
      • Instantly get the question result by highlighting the correct answer if the user picks the wrong one.
      • Displaying Correct Answered Questions, This stat is reset every new session.
      • Topics Filtrations, Ability for user to pick the quick review on single or multiple specific topics.
      • Preventing questions repeats for every user until all questions have been answered.
  • Billing (New Features)
    • Tuition fees now has been converted to dynamic items which can be added by an accountant and support the following
      • Instalment-able, If the Item doesn't support Instalments, it will be full payment only on the first invoice.
      • Discountable Tuition Items.
      • Fixed Instalment Amount.
      • Fully Support Single and Mass Payment Creation.
    • New Plugins System
      • Plugin Configuration.
      • Plugin Status Control.
      • Plugin Test.
      • Created Egyptian Taxes Authorizity Plugin (eReceipts)
        • Support Submitting Receipt.
        • Support Return Receipt (Refund, Cancelling).
        • Support QR Code to Invoice Template.
      • Plugins Callbacks Logs.
  • Admission Schedule Report (Improvements)
    • Added New Columns for both father and mother to be selected from the report
      • Nationality
      • Occupation
      • Employer
      • Business Phone
      • Business Address
      • Degree
      • School
      • Univerisity
      • Identity
      • Address
  • Added Student Absences List to Teacher Gradebook, Can be turned off from Users Groups ACL.
  • Added to Class List: Change Students' House, which will help the administrator easily assign multiple students to different houses.
  • Year Promoting (Updated)
    • Refresh Minor UI.
    • Improved UX of Saving and Start Migration to reduce it to only one step.
    • Fully Localized Year Promoting.
    • Archiving Unit Creations (Inquiry Learning).
  • New Student, Every newly enrolled student from Admission who has been enrolled for less than 10 months.
    • Added Badge & Icon in Students Information & List to Highlight Newcomer Students.
    • Added New Student Column to Students Information Report.
  • Added age from first Students Information report.
  • Added House to Students Information & Sibling Information report.
  • Dismissals (New)
    • Pickups
      • Student Pickups Tracking for every requested pick up which can be manually entered or scan a parent QR Code.
      • Student Pickup Pass can be accessed from the Parent Dashboard and Downloaded.
  • Mobile Application (Updates)
    • Support Mobile Application and have the ability to share the QR Code.
    • Added Native Support for Stickers in Mobile Application.
  • Group - Access Control List has Huge UX Rework to reduce the steps of adding ACL on certain module, is become easier and quicker.
  • Fixed Permission Logic Issue with Weekly Bulletin with HOD Teachers.
  • Improvement of CRUD Security of EnableUserGroupGrades.
  • Fixed GPA Scale to retrieve scale based on float number instead of integer.
  • Enhancements on Billing ACL & now Billing ACL is searchable.
  • Enhancement of the Siblings Information Report to display siblings from the selected educational levels and their siblings from other academic levels.
  • Enhancement of CRUD Display Text in the Search bar to indicate a filter by column.
  • Enhancement on the Copied button introduced in Virtual Classrooms and Billing Plugins now displays that the user has copied it to the clipboard.
  • Security Improvement on Virtual Classroom ACL.
  • Enhancement of Allowing Scheduled Global Virtual Classroom to be created on the minimum date of the same day.
  • Fixed Gradebook Doesn’t Export Correctly when there are individual assignments.
  • Fixed Medical History doesn't respect security policy on the Next Theme.
  • Fixed Billing Callbacks Crash with new third-party plugins.
  • Enhancements to student profiles for automatic assignment to religion or second language categories when changes are detected in the student's profile.
  • Fixed Users Groups Power Permission misconfiguration.
  • Stickers Unwrapping Enhancement and Alignment with newly introduced animation in mobile application.
  • UX Improvement to Unauthenticated Users to be redirected to pages with GET Params, this will reduce steps on Pickups QR Code Scanning.
  • Huge Improvements on Privates Notes & Applicant Notes User Experience, now load in the full screen have a re-arranged toolbar for better productivity and the saving indicator is now cleaner.

To set a specific amount for the first instalment, follow these steps:

  1. Create a tuition item named “Basic Tuition For Academic Year 2024/2025” for 30,000 EGP. Ensure it is marked as Non-Discountable and Non-Installmentable.
  2. Create another tuition item called “Instalmentable Tuition For Academic Year 2024/2025” for 20,000 EGP. This item can be set as Installmentable.
  3. Navigate to the Instalments Templates section and adjust the instalment plan.
    1. For instance, if there are 3 instalments in total, configure them as follows:
      1. the first instalment should be set to 0%
      2. the second to 50%, and the third to 50%.