
In Parent dashboard is act the same as Student Dashboard but is included in Children array with extra children information for further queries, to use this method your must be Authenticated.

Dashboard action is GET, and parameters value is boolean 0 for false & 1 for TRUE.

Paramater Description Default
user User Information 0
gb_summary Student gradebook summary 0
absences Student number of absences 0

URL Example http://example.com/api/v1/dashboard?gb_summary=1&absences=1&user=1

Sample Output

        "user": {
            "user_id": 109,
            "email": "student@scl.education",
            "full_name": "Scl Student",
            "group": 4,
            "student_code": "100000-2",
            "secondary_code": ""
        "absences": {
            "max_absences": 17,
            "total_absences": 2
        "user": {
            "user_id": 112,
            "email": "student2@scl.education",
            "full_name": "Student Demo",
            "group": 4,
            "student_code": "100000-3",
            "secondary_code": ""
        "absences": {
            "max_absences": 17,
            "total_absences": 4

You can understand gb_summary parameter from Student Gradebook Summary.

Calling student absences method is GET action & must be Authenticated.

URL Example http://example.com/api/v1/absences?StudentID=Student_user_id

Absences Response

Parameter Description Type
max_absences School configured maximum allowed absences Integer
total_absences Student Total absences in current academic year Integer

Calling student absences list method is GET action & must be Authenticated.

URL Example http://example.com/api/v1/absences_list?StudentID=Student_user_id

Name Description Type
absent_date Student's absence date Date
absent_type Absence type id Integer
absent_type_name Absence type which configured by Administrator String
absent_type_icon The icon path of absence type String
created_by Full name of the user who created this absence entry String

absent_type_icon is image file name which been uploaded by Administrator URL Example: http://example.com/assets/uploads/absent_type_icon

Calling absences_types method is GET action & must be Authenticated.

URL Example http://example.com/api/v1/absences_types

Name Description Type
id absence type id Integer
name absence type name String
icon absence type icon file name String

Managing parent contact must be Authenticated and this feature restricted to parent group only. Calling contacts method is GET and results are in array for each contact.

URL Example http://example.com/api/v1/contacts

Result of each contact

id Contact ID Integer
relationship Relationship ID, you will need to use relationships method to translate id to name Integer
name Contact Name String
nationality Contact Nationality String
occupation Contact Occupation String
address Contact address String
email Contact Email address String
phone Contact Home/work phone number String
mobile Contact Mobile number String

create_contact Method is POST.

API URL http://example.com/api/v1/create_contact

All Following POST parameters are required

relationship Contact relationship type Integer
name Contact Full Name String
nationality Contact nationality this field only accept alphabetic input String
occupation Contact Occupation String
address Contact Address String
email Contact email, must be valid email address String
phone Contact Telephone number String
mobile Contact mobile number this field length must be atleast 10 numbers and character + only String

Success response Example

    "success": "Contact been successfully created."

Validation response error

    "error": {
        "nationality": "The nationality field may only contain alphabetical characters.",
        "email": "The email field must contain a valid email address.",
        "mobile": "The mobile field must be at least 10 characters in length."
    "code": 1030

update_contact Method is POST and is required contact id.

API URL http://example.com/api/v1/update_contact

POST Parameters

id This contact id which is required to know which contact you want to update Integer
relationship Contact relationship type Integer
name Contact Full Name String
nationality Contact nationality this field only accept alphabetic input String
occupation Contact Occupation String
address Contact Address String
email Contact email, must be valid email address String
phone Contact Telephone number String
mobile Contact mobile number this field length must be atleast 10 numbers and character + only String

Success Output Example

    "success": "Contact been successfully updated."

Validation response error

    "error": {
        "nationality": "The nationality field may only contain alphabetical characters.",
        "email": "The email field must contain a valid email address.",
        "mobile": "The mobile field must be at least 10 characters in length."
    "code": 1030

Calling delete_contact method is GET & required contact id.

URL Example http://example.com/api/v1/contact_delete?id=contact_id

Success example response

    "success": "Contact been successfully deleted."

Error example response

    "error": "This contact is may already deleted or invalid ID",
    "code": 1060

This Method is very important to get the relationship list including id & name which will help you to translate the relationship which shown in contacts as id to name, the method results are in arrays for each relationship been configured by Administrator.

URL Example http://example.com/api/v1/relationships

Result of each array

id Relationship ID Integer
name Relationship display name such as Father, Mother or guardian String

Calling gb_summary method is GET action & must be Authenticated.

URL Example http://example.com/api/v1/gb_summary?StudentID=Student_user_id

Response This method output is same exactly as in Student Gradebook Summary.

Calling gradebook method is GET action & must be Authenticated.


Name Type Description
GroupID Integer The Group ID which been obtained from gb_summary
QuarterID Integer Default QuarterID is current active quarter, set this to fetch data of another Quarter
StudentID Integer Parent Children user_id

URL Example http://example.com/api/v1/gradebook?GroupID=ID&StudentID=Student_user_id

This method output is identical to Student Gradebook so for full information click here.

If you parent and want to fetch any student API by his behalf like reading or creating messages all you will need to do is adding header name “LOGIN-AS-STUDENT” this header parameter value equal Student ID.

Curl Example

curl -X GET -H "ACCESS-CODE: user_accessCode" -H "LOGIN-AS-STUDENT: STUDENT_ID" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 'http://example.com/api/v1/user'

Response Example

    "user_id": STUDENT_USER_ID,
    "email": "student@scl.education",
    "full_name": "Scl Student",
    "group": 4,
    "student_code": "10000-2",
    "secondary_code": "",
    "accessCode": STUDENT_USER_accessCode,
    "avatar": "http://example.com/assets/uploads/avatar/unknown_130x130.png",
    "grade_name": "Grade 12",
    "class_name": "A",
    "class_description": "Grade 12 - Classroom A"