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4.2 Changelog

Release Date 1-12-2019

SCL 4.2 will introduce two of the major features which been on our roadmap since 2017 and one of key solution for maximum flexibility

  1. Access Control List
    1. Administrator, Teachers, Parent & Students Group will be core system group cannot be deleted only modified
    2. Ability to Create & Customize new User Groups
      1. Permissions Management READ, WRITE, DELETE
      2. Limiting Some Modules Access to be Based on selected School Grades Only for following
        1. Admission
        2. Newsletter
        3. Behavior
        4. for rest of the modules will be covered in the update after this.
    3. backward compatible with current SCL Users Groups with the ability to get rid or delete any Users Group
    4. Replacing all Hard Delete with Soft Delete in most CRUD Modules
  2. System Logging
    1. New Module will get rid of any previous Logging solutions in SCL
    2. More descriptive & informational

New Features

Fixes & Enhancements